The High Cost of a Disputed Border
A Visual Guide to the
Eritrea–Ethiopia Border Conflict

The High Cost of a Disputed Border
A Visual Guide to the
Eritrea–Ethiopia Border Conflict
This interactive map is part of an ongoing series examining the Eritrean refugee crisis. The plight of Eritrean refugees crossing desert and sea in search of freedom and security has been well-documented. However, the root causes that drive people to seek protection afar are not well understood. Here, we present a visual explanation of the Eritrea-Ethiopia border conflict.

Eritrea and Ethiopia fought a border war from 1998 to 2000. Thousands died, and animosities persist to this day. When the war ended, the international community formed a boundary commission to delimit and demarcate the countries’ shared border. The commission was responsible for reconciling each side’s border claims.
Both sides agreed to abide by the 2002 ruling of the Eritrea–Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC), but Ethiopia stonewalled after the border had been defined. The border has never been demarcated, and it remains a source of tension.
Click or tap and then slide the images below to learn more about the border conflict between these East African neighbors.
Defining a Border
The EEBC Border
Land Eritrea Was Denied
Land Ethiopia Was Denied
Other Border Towns
A High Cost